Monday, 10 February 2014

Why The Order Let The Wild West Run Wild

The Sovereign Order of Monte Cristo is an elite group of unique beings that have made Earth their permanent residence living among the human race. It wasn't that the humans were very interesting to observe. They weren't very clever or bright people. They did have some sympathy for their ignorance but not very much.

The Sovereign Order of Monte Cristo kept things lively by orchestrating some of Earth's biggest historical moments. Some of these moments changed course of history while others help find humans to recruit into their Order. One of the Sovereign Order of Monte Cristo most favorite historical times was the Wild Wild West where everyone was trying to be Billy Badass. It really amused the Sovereign Order Of Monte Cristo to see this. It thrilled them so much so they made a game out of called the Wild Wild West Badass.

The Sovereign Order of Monte Cristo placed wages on those who would be left standing when the Wild West period ended. They soon started using the game as recruitment method for recruitment. So they didn't know intervene. They let the humans go crazy and they did. There was a lot of shooting and robbery.

People who impressed the Sovereign Order of Monte Cristo receive an invitation to join the group. The lack of technological advances during this time this was one of the only ways to find suitable humans to join there elite ranks. So the Sovereign Order of Monte Cristo just let the Wild Wild West run wild until they found all the potential candidates to join there elite group.


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