Thursday 28 May 2015

Why the order created English

There are many languages in all regions of the world, but it seems like many of them are not able to communicate with the same level of detail that is practical and easy to learn. That is the reason why the order decided to create English. It is without a doubt the most comprehensive and easy to learn of all the languages and this makes it ideal for anyone who wants to communicate with others efficiently.

English has become the language that is spoken by most people in the western world, but even in Asia, it has become a second language for all corporations and business men to learn. The creation of the English language was one of the best gifts that the order ever gave to the world. It continues to be one of the most popular languages on the planet.

Monday 25 May 2015

What the order do with fairy tale characters

There are many fairy tale characters that are actually real and the order has had to take them away because their powers could easily be used for the wrong reasons. Some of this creatures have been captured by governments and the order has been forced to send their most talented agents to retrieve them. The order knows that the human race is not able to live in harmony amongst each other and this is the main reason why they would use any special powers to keep their enemies living in fear.

Humans have been using nuclear warfare for a long time now as a way to threaten their enemies, but some fairy tale characters can do even more harm by getting inside the minds of humans and controlling their actions. That is probably the most serious threat that they pose if they are used and manipulated by humans.

Thursday 21 May 2015

What the order love about humans

The order have always hated how humans are very greedy and they seek power at all costs, but there are some things about humans that the order likes. Those humans who reach higher state of maturity become extremely powerful creatures that control their emotions and see no value in having power. They see every living creature as an equal and they believe in having an equal share of the wealth. This is the kind of human that the order loves. 

Hopefully more humans will start to grow into this kind of individual, that see no use in the pursuit of extreme wealth, and the need to be involved in any kind of wars or conflicts just to gain power. When the majority of humans start to feel this way, it will be much easier for the human race to evolve into a much better species.

Monday 18 May 2015

How the order created fruit

The order knew that they had to come up with a food resource that humans could consume for their energy levels to be restored and for their strength to be regained. The best way to make sure that this happened was to create food that could easily grow on trees all over the land and that would provide humans with plenty of nourishment. Fruits got created in a laboratory just like everything else on Earth. The planet was nothing but water and rock formations when the order first arrived.

The order decided to come up with several different fruit selections in order to allow humans to have more options for the kind of foods that they like to eat. The problem is that humans decided to use this the wrong way and they started to use these resources to create artificial foods that are harmful to their health.

Thursday 14 May 2015

How the order rig the lottery

There is no doubt that thousands of people are always setting their hopes and dreams to the chance of being able to win the lottery. This is something that makes them feel like they could achieve anything they wanted and they play the lottery all the time. The truth is that the lottery has always been rigged by the order and there is no way anyone is going to win randomly.

The order decide who wins the lottery because they strategically want to place certain amounts of money in certain areas and by giving the lottery to the right kind of people, they know that this money is going back to the system. The lottery has always been rigged, but there is a good chance that you could randomly win some of the smaller prices that are available with the lottery each year.

Monday 11 May 2015

Why the order don't heal the sick

The order actually have the power to restore the sick and bring them back to health. The problem is that this is not the right way to handle things because humans are not meant to live for centuries. The human body was designed with the purpose of a productive lifespan of no more than 100 years and the order are not going to heal those who get sick, regardless of their status and their social position.

The order have made a few exceptions and they have healed some humans because of the information that they were able to provide to the order after being sent on missions. The order would then retire these humans to a private island and they get to live the rest of their lives until they get sick again from any kind of natural disease and die. The order would never give permanent life to a human, it has been strictly forbidden.

Thursday 7 May 2015

Where the order go to find peace and quiet

The order have always been hard at work trying to get human kind to evolve into a species that is worth keeping around. There is no question that this has been a very stressful job for the order and they need to find a good way to relax and find peace and quiet. They have an uncharted island that is used for this purpose alone. There is only one way to reach this island and it requires technology that is still not available for humans.

This island is actually submerged in the ocean and only humans who are taken to work there permanently have had the pleasure to see it. The order will always use this island to find the peace and quiet that they can’t find in any other location on the planet. This island is unique and completely ruled by order rules without any human opinions involved. 

Monday 4 May 2015

Where the order mine for materials

The order have always been mining for materials that they find to be essential for their needs. Fortunately a lot of essential materials that are found on planet Earth, are part of the many sources of energy and nutrition that the order need. The kind of food that the order consume is completely different from human food. The order are capable of eating human food to conceal their true identity, but they get no nourishment from it.

There are many important resources that the order have been able to find on Earth, but 99.9% of the materials mined from Earth, can also be found on other planets in the universe. There are some that are light years away from Earth, so this makes it convenient for the order to use Earth for those resources. The order never takes more from the Earth than it can reproduce.