Tuesday, 19 November 2013

How The Order Created The Airplane

The Sovereign Order of Monte Cristo is a group highly intelligent group of unknown species that roam among us humans. They do not have intentions of hurting us nor do they seek world domination. They live among us peacefully and quietly. 100% if the time we are unaware they are they're lurking in the shadows watching us. They are keeping an eye on us. They have always been there, no one knows how long.

It seems at one point they were becoming down right bored with us. We weren't advancing as fast as they thought we should. It was irritating to them because their technology was far more advanced. But they knew to expose an alien race to too much to soon could potentially be catastrophic. They have seen first hands planets destroy each other over it.

But they could take it no more with the little carts we rolled around in. They wanted fly in the sky again. So they started focusing on two brothers, the Right brothers. They watched day after day as the two tried to create flight. It was funny at first. Then it became irritating because they were so close.

So the Sovereign Order of Monte Cristo decided to give a little helping hand. When the brothers left late afternoon. They came down brought something they made that fit the time and the technology or lack there of at the time.

The Right brothers showed up to a contraption sitting right they were working. They looked around no one was there. So they studied and finally figured out how to work it. They looked shocked when it worked. However, they had not built it. They bantered back and forth trying to decide what to do. Finally they decided to take credit for the entire thing.

The Sovereign Order of Monte Cristo are always doing our dirty work and letting us take the credit for it. They have been behind some of the biggest events in world history. They were just happy to be able to get back up in the sky.


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