Thursday, 30 October 2014

How the order created volcanoes

The order created volcanoes due to a series of experiments that had to be made all over the world. The truth is that all the heat and pressure that build up underground are caused by the many structures that we have deep inside the planet. There are laboratories, factories and all kinds of structures that hold species from inside and outside planet Earth. This caused for too much pressure to build and we needed to create these craters that allow for all of the different chemicals and elements to be released safely. The tremors that occur during these activities are caused by other sources to emulate a natural situation and allow for no suspicion.

Volcanoes are very important and we will continue to activate many of them depending on how much force needs to be released during any given time in any particular region of the world.

Monday, 27 October 2014

Where the order hid King Tut's gold

King Tut's gold is a very important treasure that we have guarded for a long time now. It has been hidden in a place that is completely undisclosed, but the guardians of this gold are so powerful that even if we decided to put out an announcement with the exact location we would not worry about it being vulnerable. Those who keep watch are not even human and they cannot be seen by human eyes. There is enough gold hidden there to purchase the entire American and European continents together.

This is one of the main reasons why we are storing it safely and we do not want it to fall in the wrong hands. It will probably never be released because this would cause a serious disruption in many markets. We cannot afford to let this happen and that is why King Tut’s gold is hidden along with many other valuables.

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Why the order hid the fountain of youth

The fountain of youth is real and it was brought to this planet by an alien life form. The way it works is that the water it contains allows for cell regeneration in ways that are still unimaginable by human modern science. This is the same technology we have been using for centuries to rejuvenate our bodies, but we cannot allow humans to have access to it just yet. The fountain is hidden and we only allow a very select group of humans to consume this water.

Those who are allowed to do this have been extremely useful humans that have contributed greatly to the enhancement of the world. We are not going to let the general population have access to this, but eventually humanity will probably figure out how to make cell regeneration into something simple that will be available to everyone. This will completely bury plastic surgery as a career.

Monday, 20 October 2014

How the order stopped angels from ruling earth

Angels are real but they do not come from heaven as people think. They come from a planet from a completely different dimension of the universe. Their world is completely different from what any human being could even begin to understand. We do believe that there are many people out there who would probably die of shock if they saw what a real angel looked like. They are extremely powerful creatures that look kind of human but also have a distinct alien appearance.

They wanted to rule the earth a while ago but we stopped them because we knew that they would also want to wipe out the human race in order to become the new owners of this planet. This is why we had to stop them and fortunately their powers are no match for ours. There is a species in the universe that could destroy the order, but thankfully this planet is of no use to them.

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Ghosts Were Going To Take Over But The Order Stopped Them

There have been reports of ghosts coming through and taking over the world, but guess what? We shoved them back into their holes and confined them into houses and random areas that can’t fully take over a fast food joint. Don’t believe us? Just read accounts of ghost stories and you’ll see our penmanship all over. For instance, in “Hell House” Richard Matheson sure penned an interesting true account of how we stopped a ghost from taking over a small town by simply ridiculing them to death.

That’s right, ghosts are nothing but bullies that need to get put in their place. When you are confronted by something, take a swing, and don’t let them take over. If you can’t get a handle on the situation, don’t worry, we’ll be right there to stomp them out with our boot of justice. We work on this quite a bit as the ghosts are rascals and like to shake things up from time to time. However, we were able to take control over time with some insults, and secret elements that aren’t exactly going to get explored in detail here. If we gave up our secrets, then everyone would try to get in the face of ghosts that come out every now and again. 
The reason why most people don’t even believe in ghosts is because The Order has created enough skepticism that will not allow them to take on any personable roles. If it wasn’t for our work in the past, and present, ghosts would be rampant and taking craps on people. Do you want that? Do you want a ghost to come through your house and leave a plasma dump on your couch? No? 
Well then you’re welcome, because we stomped them out and confine them to boring tours and places where you would least expect them. 

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

The Order On Taking Down ISIS

At this point the ISIS terrorist organization seems to be really sinking their teeth into social media, and video displays. The Order would like to ask everyone to calm down, because they are just getting enough rope to hang themselves. These broadcasts, videos, and different uploads are all traced and coordinates are found through a variety of means. Heck, the lowliest of internet users could track them and find their exact locations, it’s not complicated. We already know where they are, and we’ve already put in place parameters for them to die a slow painful death. 

They seem to be mad about the United States, and that’s ok. We’ve already dispatched a great deal of weaponry to help them get a true taste of what we offer. Deep fried pastries, and gallons of cooking oil, because we are going to feed them the highest toxicity rate of freedom, the American way. Stuffing them with as much food as possible will truly show them that they are fighting for nothing, because fried goods are the cheapest and easiest methods of getting fat and dying off. Of course they are dumb enough to take it, and eat it, because at the end of the day, the terrorists just want a ham sandwich. It’s taboo, so we’ll give them a slap of ham, right to the face. Don’t worry, we’ve got this, so go back to enjoying freedom while The Order takes care of yet another pile of ants trying to nip at our ankles. By the way, we do this often, remember the children’s crusade? You’re welcome. 

Monday, 13 October 2014

What The Order Thinks of Political Correctness

For whatever reason people are pushing for more political correctness, and The Order doesn’t like it. Even though the people seem to think that it’s necessary, it’s not really permeating the real world, and that’s something that is only because we allow it. People are sheep, but there is one thing that is tried and true, they are not going to just stop talking about things in an inappropriate manner. Sure, you could try to silence certain words from the airwaves, but you will not be able to get away with this for too long.

Political correctness is only allowed to continue because we feel that it’s not going to catch on like the media wishes that it would. Most people aren’t politically correct and this movement to shove it down people’s throats is hilarious. We find it comedic to see so many people try to find a way to express certain ideas and parameters without using offensive terms. In fact, people that are supposed to be offended aren’t even offended, and this whole political correctness thing is just starting to be comedic.

The minute that we stop laughing at the attempts to find a sterile word for everything is the day that we will shut everything down. Don’t for a minute assume that The Order has lost control over what comes out of people’s mouths, the media, and more. If we want to shut down the whole world of political correctness, we will. But as of right now, we’re going to allow it to continue in certain circles as there is a bit of fun that comes through the world of these creative endeavors. However, the minute things get out of hand, and it’s soon approaching, watch out, because our fist will crush the whole thing and force the old regime to come back and reign yet again. You’re welcome, by the way.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Why the order built New York

New York City has not become the city that it is now because of some sort of coincidence. The location was just optimal for all kinds of things to be done with it. It has been a strategic meeting ground for all the corporate heads that run Hollywood. This is why NYC had to be built on the complete opposite side of the country. The idea was to keep the puppets on one side and the puppeteers on the other. If they are kept close together they could end up ruining things.

The whole idea of building NYC was too have the most powerful headquarters in the entire area of the North American continent. The place that is ran and populated by those who manage the money making artists. This is an extremely important city for the order and we plan to continue to work hard to preserve it.

Monday, 6 October 2014

Why the order created video games

Video games are not just some kind of coincidence that occurred randomly. The order created them with the idea of being able to control the skills of millions of young people in order to make sure they would be trained for the future of warfare. The problem was that the first video games had a very raw look that made it difficult to train people properly and was only appealing to younger audiences. This has changed a lot now and we have much better ways to train people of all ages with all kinds of realistic simulations for pretty much any kind of scenario there is.

Now you can learn to drive cars, fly planes and operate all kinds of weapons in a very realistic way thanks to video games. This is why the order has invested so much money in the video game industry lately. The training has expanded onto the internet and there are armies being formed.

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Why the order created action figures

We all remember being young and getting actions figures for our birthdays or for Christmas. This was a great way to train children to get used to the whole idea of becoming soldiers and heroes for their country. The order always knew that the masses needed to be trained properly on all of this angles and this is why they have been so interested in always creating action figures that always relate to the call to action of a nation. That is the same reason why women got toy ovens and toy babies as kids, because they needed to be trained to be stay at home mothers, but times have changed a lot and equal rights have changed the game completely.

The children who have been born in the new technological era are not interested in action figures anymore, but thankfully we now have video games to keep training them.