Monday 13 October 2014

What The Order Thinks of Political Correctness

For whatever reason people are pushing for more political correctness, and The Order doesn’t like it. Even though the people seem to think that it’s necessary, it’s not really permeating the real world, and that’s something that is only because we allow it. People are sheep, but there is one thing that is tried and true, they are not going to just stop talking about things in an inappropriate manner. Sure, you could try to silence certain words from the airwaves, but you will not be able to get away with this for too long.

Political correctness is only allowed to continue because we feel that it’s not going to catch on like the media wishes that it would. Most people aren’t politically correct and this movement to shove it down people’s throats is hilarious. We find it comedic to see so many people try to find a way to express certain ideas and parameters without using offensive terms. In fact, people that are supposed to be offended aren’t even offended, and this whole political correctness thing is just starting to be comedic.

The minute that we stop laughing at the attempts to find a sterile word for everything is the day that we will shut everything down. Don’t for a minute assume that The Order has lost control over what comes out of people’s mouths, the media, and more. If we want to shut down the whole world of political correctness, we will. But as of right now, we’re going to allow it to continue in certain circles as there is a bit of fun that comes through the world of these creative endeavors. However, the minute things get out of hand, and it’s soon approaching, watch out, because our fist will crush the whole thing and force the old regime to come back and reign yet again. You’re welcome, by the way.


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