Friday 28 November 2014

Where the order stashed Jimmy Hoffa

They say that the perfect hiding places is always the one that is the most obvious at times and Jimmy Hoffa is without a doubt hidden in a place that fits that requirement. Hoffa was declared missing and dead because of his absence but he died of old age under our care. We had to hide him because he knew information about the order that was not supposed to be let out so we cut a deal with him. We let him live as long as he retired to one of our retirement camps for people who have been exposed to the order in some way.

Jimmy was quite amused by all of the stories that came out when he disappeared and the crazy theories that some people had about his disappearance. His remains are hidden in a place that civilians walk through every single day and they are clueless that they are walking in the area that Jimmy Hoffa’s remains are resting.


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