Monday, 9 September 2013

Why The Order Likes Animals Better Than Humans

The Sovereign Order of Monte Cristo has always searched the world for beings as intelligent if not more so intelligent than them. You see the Order had taken up residency on Earth among the human population. Of course humans had no clue, they are such idiots, the Order could do whatever they wanted and the humans would be none the wiser until it was too late.

If you ever wondered why the Sovereign Order of Monte Cristo resided on Earth, one main reason was the animals. They wanted to study them. I guess you wonder why study some dog, cat or gold fish. They were very partial to domesticated animals.

You know how they say all movies come from some element of a truth. Well do you remember Doctor Doolittle? He was a member of the Sovereign Order of Monte Cristo. Believe it, Doctor Doolittle was real and the Order made a movie based off him. For inspiration they also called Hank the Orders loyal lab. Hank gave them lots of pointers. You want to know why? Because Hank could talk, it was true animals could talk. They just didn’t want to be seen, especially with humans. It would mess up their good thing.

The Order got many of their ideas for Dr. Doolittle from pets telling their story, who totally knew better. The cat who crawled across her master’s crotch and accidentally clawed his member, well the cat knew what she was doing.  The bird flying above your head splatters you and totally misses your car with its poop, The game Angry Birds was not called Angry Birds at first, It was called Angry Birds Missile Poop. The Order created it and changed the name. The dog that runs while on a leash, it was never the car. He just needed an excuse to trip you.

You see animal are capable creatures. The Sovereign Order of Monte Cristo has watched these animals, get fed, walked, belly rubbed and bathed without asking. Animals are smart. The Order could not believe how well the animals have it on Earth. It’s has quite a few members that are animals Mr. Ed was even a member. So yeah the Order does like animals better than humans because they are infinitely wiser. Most animals get free room and board, fed, walked and whatever else they wanted. The Order was impressed. So they got to know the animals. They still hang out occasionally.


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