Thursday, 23 July 2015

How the order have tried to help humans

Whilst it's true that awareness of the negative health effects of gluten has increased in the past few years; The Sovereign Order of Monte Cristo have always been aware of how detrimental this addictive, vile substance really is. Actually, the name gluten is derived from these glue-like properties. Gluten is a protein composite found in several types of grains, including wheat, spelt, rye and barley and it responsible for a long list of health complaints. Celiac disease and IBS being the two most discussed ones. But The Sovereign Order of Monte Cristo hate gluten mainly because of its terrible effect of the all ready extremely shaky mental state of the world.

Yes indeed, the gluten found in those delicious breads and pastries and donuts and Subways and pasta and cakes and biscuits and cookies, does in fact cause anxiety and depression; along with schizophrenia and bi-polar disease. The Order have been producing amazing tasting gluten free alternatives for decades in an attempt to remedy this epidemic, but humans are hell bent on choosing Oreos and lasagne over their health and well being.


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