Thursday 9 July 2015

How the order helped with electricty

Discovering electricity might have been one of the coolest things ever done by a human.  Ben Franklin and his little kite made history that is still told in many ways throughout the world today.  The story has plenty of detail, which may or may not be proven today, but for the most part, everyone tells it the same way.  Just when you think the Sovereign Order of Monte Cristo was busy enough with other things, you find out that they are the ones that created electricity as we know it today.

The Sovereign Order of Monte Cristo goes back in history and has many members, some that might have been around when Franklin got the guts to see what the lightning bolt was all about one stormy night.  Electricity has become one of the largest parts of our daily lives and if anyone had asked you where it comes from and you do not think you have the answer, you should take a look at The Sovereign Order of Monte Cristo for your answer!


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