Monday, 28 October 2013

Why The Order Hid The Fountain Of Youth

The Sovereign Order of Monte Christo a group of entities no one can quite explain. Are they human, aliens, or some hybrid species of something all together different? We will never know. You see this group has probably been around since the dawn of time. They are probably the most advanced species in the universe.

During one of their many travels across our great land they ambled across a lake, which looked as though it was a natural fountain. It was beautiful. They decided to take a closer look. It was like nothing even the Sovereign Order Of Monte Christo had seen in all their travels.

They walked towards it. The water twinkled and glistened. When they stood over it they felt like something was unusual about this body of water. It couldn’t be, but it was. It was the fountain of youth. When anyone is near it, it absorbs everything about them, absorbing their memories. What they saw in that water floored them. Vlad is a direct ancestor of Dracula. Van Helsing destroyed Dracula many moons ago to join the Sovereign Order of Monte Cristo.

Vlad came to avenge his ancestors’ unlawful murder according to him, but he got laughed out because he had Van Helsing dead to right. He was ready to go in for the kill. As he bit down blood gushed out of Van Helsings neck from the mini punctures. Van Helsing opened his eyes realizing he was still alive. He looked around looking for Vlad. Vlad was even paler that usual. And he was pacing back and forth talking about how gross the blood was and how could vampires do it.

Then it came to light Vlad was not a vampire. He aged. He aged because he could never get enough blood in him because it grossed him out. Eventually, he discovered away to maintain the beauty of a vampire. He found the fountain of youth. It apparently works on vampires.

No one knew where it was but Vlad. The Sovereign Order of Monte Cristo could not believe they had found it. They thought at one point Vlad might be a threat but after that incident. They knew he was no threat so they didn’t bother him. But they did use their powers to take all the water out of the fountain and move it. And they got popcorn and front row seats to see Vlad’s face when he returned.


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